our new Website can be found at
Sorrento Bowls Club staged the third annual Primary School Challenge today attracting double the number of players and schools from previous years with one hundred Year 5 and 6 children from eight peninsula schools showing off their skills at lawn bowls with great energy and enthusiasm. Participating schools with equally imaginative team names were:
Sorrento Primary School;
(Strikers, Thunder, Superstars & Sharks)
Tootgarook Primary School
(Yellow, Green & Frogs)
Rosebud Primary School,
(Rockets, Rabbits & Rascals)
Our Lady of Fatima Primary School Rosebud.
Red Hill Consolidated School
(Rockets, Renegades & Rebels)
Boneo Primary School
(Squirrels, Hampsters and Guinea Pigs)
St. Josephs Catholic School, Sorrento
(McIlroys & Wilkies)
Rye Primary School.
(Tigers, Bimmy Bowlers and Avalanches)
The results on the day did not reflect the standard of play of each team – as scores were based on shots up over 12 ends, so that only one team could take out the top slot for their school, which on Wednesday was:
St Josephs Catholic Primary School with 17 shots up
and the runners-up were:
Red Hill Consolidated Schoolwith 16 shots up
Scoring was remarkably close reflecting the keen determination and focus of all players.
Smaller size bowls were required and these were supplied by Club members sand Bowls Victoria.
The event was sponsored by Prentice Real Estate of Sorrento and Rye.
It was co-ordinated by Judith Mordech of Sorrento Bowls Club and Michelle Richens Physical Education teacher at Sorrento Primary School in collaboration with her P.E. colleagues at other schools to encourage children to select lawn bowls as an optional, non-contact winter sport.
The program involved 30 Sorrento Bowls Club members in prior coaching sessions and on-day supervision and will take place again in June 2018.
For further information, contact:
Judith Mordech
Sorrento Bowls Club
Mobile 0412 371 321.
Congratulations to Sorrento Bowls superstars Nola Clark (skip), Doreen Winnett and Mary Boyle in representing Peninsula Casey in the Victorian State Womens Triples Championships. They had a great win against Eastern Ranges in the first round before going down to a strong Gippsland side in the next round. A magnificent achievement in making the state finals. Thanks also to the members who went along to support the team and commiserations to Pam Little who missed out on playing due to injury.
Stephanie’s hen’s party was a glamour event with all the girls dressed to the hilt for a fun time with barefoot bowls at Sorrento recently.
Situated on the beautiful Mornington Peninsula, Victoria, Sorrento Bowls Club offers something for everyone.
Full club membership is only $100 for the first year and $215 for every ensuing year. Social membership at $30 is also great value.
We are located in the grounds of the Sorrento football and cricket clubs and have three magnificent grass greens.
Members have the opportunity of playing Tuesday and Saturday Pennant as well as many other competition events during the height of the season which runs from September through April. We also have off-season social bowls games every Saturday and Wednesday as well as indoor bowls on a Saturday during the winter.
There are many social events where club uniform is usually not required. These include the social Saturday and Wednesday bowls during the main bowls season plus a number of very popular Twilight Bowls on many Fridays during the summer. A feature of the Twilights is the outstanding two course meal for just $10. We have an extensive bar with prices much lower than neighbouring hotels and restaurants.
Increasingly we are accommodating groups of “Barefoot Bowlers”. For just $10 per person we provide loan bowls and access to the bar. Groups which have availed themselves of this fun activity include work groups, bucks’ and hens’ parties, teachers and parents from local schools and many holidaying people. Bookings for these events are essential.
We pride ourselves on being a friendly and most hospitable club. Visitors from other bowls clubs are always welcome. Come to Sorrento to enjoy the sun, surf, restaurants and especially the Sorrento Bowls Club.
(You can click on the ‘NEWS’ tab above for the latest in Sorrento Bowls news
Some of the guys enjoying a great day of Bare Foot Bowls at Sorrento!
If you are thinking about organising something different for your next function we would love to see you at Sorrento!
(you can even get a head start on your friends by clicking on the ‘Coaching Tips’ tab above for some great hints for new bowlers!!)